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Roll Call Videos
The IACP in collaboration with Elder Justice Initiative, U.S. Department of Justice, has developed a six-part roll call video series to enable law enforcement to better identify signs of elder abuse and recognize evidence that can lead to the successful prosecution of criminals.
These roll call training videos recount actual cases from around the United States and highlight the actions of responding officer that led to a resolution of the case.
Empower Your Investigations:
Recognize, Document, and Combat Elder Abuse
Access off-the-shelf, remote, or in-person EAGLE Trainings to expand your knowledge of elder abuse and enhance your investigative arsenal.
EAGLE Tactical Training Take or teach the off-the-shelf Tactical Training with a PowerPoint presentation and Trainer’s Manual. Learn about the signs of elder abuse, interviewing older adults, building a case, and documenting abuse.
National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C) EAGLE Training Take the one-hour IADLEST certified NW3C EAGLE training to learn more about elder abuse.
EAGLE Training Application Request an engaging and interactive in-person or remote training for your team.