This EAGLE Training Curriculum provides you with all the tools you will need to provide elder abuse
training to law enforcement officers in your state. The curriculum is customizable depending on the
needs of your community and time. The basic curriculum includes:
Elder Abuse Basic Training
- PowerPoint
- Elder Abuse in Your Community
- Types of Elder Abuse
- Solutions to Elder Abuse
- EAGLE website
- Actual EAGLE Case Work
- Fully Recorded Training (?)-Coming in November 2023
- Trainer’s Manual – Coming in December 2023
Next Level Tools
There is also a suite of additional materials to enhance your training. These include:
- Interviewing older adults
- Working with a Team
- Additional Resources (websites and tools)
Elder Abuse Special Topics – Coming 2024
There are many important issues law enforcement has to deal with when detecting and responding to
elder abuse. If you, as the trainer, are interested in adding additional topics to the course you are
offering, there are customizable training on:
- Dementia
- Decisional Capacity
- Physical Abuse Screening (Geri-IDT)