Additional National Elder Abuse Resources

National Elder Fraud Hotline – 1-833-FRAUD-11 or 1-833-372-8311

  • Report elder fraud and scams

U.S. Department of Justice – Elder Justice Initiative

  • Robust information for law enforcement officers responding to elder abuse

National Adult Protective Services Association (NAPSA) – Get Help in Your Area 

  • Report suspected elder abuse to the Adult Protective Services office nearest you

The National Consumer Voice for Quality Long-term Care

  • Use this tool to find your nearest ombudsman to report suspected elder abuse in long-term or residential care facilities

National Center on Elder Abuse

  • Resources and training tools for law enforcement officers, frontline professionals, and the public

National Organization for Victim Advocacy (NOVA)

  • Offers helpful links for victims of crime

National Sheriffs’ Association, National Association of Triads (NATI) – Locate a Triad

  • Triads are law-enforcement-sponsored partnerships that train volunteers to assist police departments and sheriffs’ offices and provide referrals to community services
  • Subscribe to the monthly NATI newsletter focused on reducing crimes against older adults
  • Print materials to leave with older adults

TREA – Training Resources on Elder Abuse

  • Training and education for professionals, caregivers, and the community

Multidisciplinary Team Technical Assistance Center

  • Tools, resource materials, and individualized consultations regarding multidisciplinary teams (MDTs)